
Veterans Prime, Inc. was established for the express purpose of providing nationwide, business sector placement to Junior Military Officers, Senior Non-Commissioned Officers with college degrees and Military Technicians. We specialize in facilitating the transition of these military members to the business sector by identifying their qualifications and matching those talents with companies seeking leaders for career opportunities in industry disciplines such as:

  • Operations
  • Manufacturing
  • Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Construction
  • Professional Sales
  • Field or Facilities Maintenance
  • Electrical
  • Mechanical
  • Hydraulic
  • Electronic
  • Equipment Operations

What’s Next?

“Don’t count the days. Make the days count.”
Muhammad Ali

Quick Contact

Williamsburg, VA

Luis Long

Chicago, IL

Dana M. Oswald

Williamsburg, VA

Brian Vereb

Jay McKeeby

Jacksonville, FL

Gavin Veeder

Williamsburg, VA

Stephanie Harboe

Virginia Beach, VA

Cameron McKeeby

Nay Willis